
Strengthen Communities. Together

Aiming for better, across society

We’ve always believed that strong and stable communities are vital foundations for building successful business. Over the years, we’ve been a first-mover in supporting many community investment initiatives. Today, we focus on driving large-scale programmes that target widespread change. The impact we have means so many things: our business becomes stronger, our family lives become richer, future generations get more opportunities, and everyone in society feels part of something that matters.

Leveraging our scale to drive change

Our scale means we have the potential to create a paradigm shift in the areas in which we invest. So, it’s important we think carefully about where we focus on our efforts. Coupled with this, we work in a wide range of industries – from food processing to energy, consumer durables to finance. This means we can observe and make targeted interventions to scale prosperity in many high-impact areas. The collective power of our employees and distributors – combined with their families – is equivalent to more than half a million people. Engaging this many people in affecting change can start a movement that spreads through communities and beyond, creating a positive social transformation throughout society.

Our special role in society

Our stakeholders recognise us as a driving force in society. We, too, see ourselves as a unique part of the socio-economic landscape. As an early adopter of global best practice in areas such as the SDGs, in creating momentum with our employees and partners, and in evolving our operations, we aim to use our scale and reach to trigger positive change. It all begins with our own business before reaching out to our suppliers and the wider community.

Our approach involves harnessing the collective potential of our employees, distributors and suppliers to deliver large and ambitious programmes that address societal issues. Focusing on these big issues helps us increase the prosperity and equality of the world we work in, which benefits society as well as our business.

Gender Equality

We believe that innovation and creativity are two biggest contributors for progress. These can only be fostered in a workplace that encourages diversity of voices. It is critical for us to create the right environment to foster gender equality in our workplace, among distributors and suppliers, and in the wider community. The UN Women’s HeForShe movement plays a crucial role in this respect, as it engages Head of States, global corporate leaders and university presidents to develop alliances and inspire others to create equal opportunities in every aspect of life. As one of the corporate leaders of HeForShe IMPACT 10x10x10, we were able to mobilize 90,000 individuals in our business through a series of programs and platforms. This also triggered Koç Group companies to launch dedicated projects to close the gender gap in their respective industries. Knowing that it is a complex process, Koç Group will continue to develop long-term and scalable projects to inspire communities and other work environments and companies.

Part of the bigger picture: United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) seek to mobilise global efforts around a common set of goals and targets for 2030 that aim to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. At Koç Group, we recognise the business need to understand and contribute to these goals as a driver for innovation and inclusive economic growth. Lead. Together ensures we are part of this bigger picture.
In Practise: Strengthen Communities. Together
Strengthen Communities. Together Projects
Strengthen Communities. Together